Barsoom races
Barsoom races

barsoom races

For every occupied city, though, there are dozens of abandoned ruins standing in silent tribute to a people long since dead and turned to sand. The landscape of Barsoom consists largely of miles upon miles of desert and wasteland, punctuated by gleaming cities that raise towards the heavens at irregular intervals. Once a world dominated by vast oceans, the remaining water comes from streams and canals trickling down from the northern pole, or from natural caverns hidden deep within the earth. It is a dying world, far past its prime, where the noble red men strive mightily to live up to their world's legacy.

barsoom races

Warriors travel great miles in lighter than air sky craft, only to do battle with sword and dagger. Is Barsoom real, or is it merely a fleeting dream from the mind of a man succumbing to death? Barsoom, for all its technological wonders, is more a feudal world than a cosmopolitan society. John Carter, a man with a mysterious past that even he cannot fully recall, finds himself transported from the fields of Virginia to a bloody warrior world. PART ONE: MEN AND MAGIC INTRODUCTION Beginning in 1912, Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first (and arguably the greatest) of what would be considered the pulp authors began his tales of adventure and romance set on Mars, AKA Barsoom. 14 PART THREE: UNDERWORLD AND WILDERNESS ADVENTURES. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and Edgar Rice Burroughs Based upon the original Warriors of Mars rules for miniature warfare by Gary Gygax and Brian Blume Illustrations by Dave Sutherland, Tracy Lesch & Gary Kwapisz Proofing and Layout: The Grey Elf Additional Monster Stats (Darseen, Malagor, Orluk, Thoat/Zitidar): The Grey Elf Additional Monster Text (Darseen, Malagor, Orluk, Thoat/Zitidar): Falconer Cover by Frank FrazettaĬONTENTS PART ONE: MEN AND MAGIC. WARRIORS OF MARS BY “DOC” With Special Thanks and in tribute to E. WARRIORS OF MARS BY “DOC” NOT Published by Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargames Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil And Miniature Figures

Barsoom races